Wednesday 5 February 2014

BusTed back in Boat Harbour Beach

Hi again,
We're a little behind, as always, but you can tell this time because it was the Australia day weekend.
We stayed at our usual spot, ha ha we sound like seasoned travellers eh? The water was once again clear, beautiful and freezing. Didn't stop us swimming. This rocky section was filled with so many variations in colour, really pretty.
There were plenty of happy campers, all ready to take advantage of the long weekend of magic weather.
Here is your 'Where's BusTed?"

A large number of young people and their alcohol arrived to celebrate in the "typical Aussie tradition" oh dear. Well apparently there was a police raid, which removed the under aged drinkers. We missed that because we were enjoying dinner and the band at the local surf life saving club and a visit with some friends we met, Wendy and Sebena. 
This was the view from their veranda.

When we finally got back to the bus all the other campers had left and all the young people were gathered around Theodora, singing and generally having a good time, all at a very loud decibel. Needless to say we moved on and left them to it, opting to stay at Cooee point for the night.
When we pulled in a car stopped next to us to let us know our brake lights weren't working, how nice was that, anyway next day George and Sonya, travellers we'd met in Sulphur Creek, turned up so.... you guessed it, under the bus they go. Looks like more victims for Theodora.
Well we did learn the wicked witch of the west from the wizard of OZ was named Theodora.
MMM makes you wonder.
Till next time.
Michelle and Ellen.







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