Tuesday 25 February 2014

BusTed in Launceston still.

Hi all,
So second day in Launy, yeah that's right we're in with the local lingo.
So off to the city again this time we actually got to the art gallery, there was a magnificent photographic exhibition of natural Tasmanian scenes. Fortunately, while we were there a pianist was allowed to play an antique grand that was in the gallery. It was just so emotional, between feasting my eyes on  the photos and being lulled by the music I had no control, yes I cried, how embarrassing.
The school leavers exhibition was on as well. Wow some of it was impressive. We're hoping we'll be in Hobart when the exhibition transfers down there, I'd happily see it again.
We wandered around the city, it was really beautiful. These pillows are made of fibreglass not as comfy as they look.

Had so much trouble finding the loos. Wish they'd use better signage.

I almost had an accident.

Oh yeah looking cool, dykes on bikes.

City Park.



We plan to return on the weekend for Symphony under the Stars.
But for now we've come to see the  Macaque monkey's.
Sooo cute.
We stayed at Old Mac's Farm Stay.
We've been a bit slack lately, but here is another where's BusTed, at last!
It's located 10 mins from the city centre, but you felt like you were way out in nowhere's ville.
This train line ran straight through the property.

Well what's Old Mac's Farm without animals eh?

Michelle was in heaven.

Chat again latter.
Take care
Michelle and Ellen.

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