Monday 24 February 2014

BusTed in Windermere

Hi lovely people,
Stopped in at a little place called Deviot ( yes, that's really it's name), to see some photography by local man, Jon Morrison. Little did we know how impressed we would be by his work. Absolutely beautiful. He does nude photography and we now own a fabulous piece that will take pride of place in our home when we decide to settle.
Afterward we crossed the Tamar River and headed south along its eastern banks towards Launceston. We stopped at a little town called Windermere. Very nice, built along the hilly banks of the river. There wasn't much level ground, fortunately we were the only campers and were able to pop Theodora on the grassy bank of the Tamar right below St Mathuis' church.

The setting sun over the water was magic.

In the morning we checked out the graveyard in the church grounds and learned some history from the passing locals out for their morning walk. Apparently, it was built by a doctor who, when deciding to move there, promised his wife if there was no church he would build her one. There wasn't so he did. This is his grave site, and that of two of his children, we couldn't find his wife's.
While looking I came across this grave that looked like it was draped in a blanket of dead leaves, so lovely.


Another grave stone of a man who died at only 30 years had "Simply trusting in Jesus" carved in it and Howard Kulh, (no idea who he is, local I assume), had been moved enough to write this poem and attach it to the headstone. I found it really touching.
Some people are just beautiful.
Michelle and Ellen.

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