Monday 24 February 2014

BusTed in Beaconsfield

Hello again.
Michelle decided that we couldn't come to Tassie and not try some freshly grown apples. As you can see she was so excited to come across this roadside stall.
How impressive was this orchard ? 
Not being a big apple fan, I thought they were ok. Michelle enjoyed them and, because there were so many in the bag,  made us individual apple pies out of some. Yummy

We stopped at this park outside Beaconsfield for a cuppa,

and this family drove up in their vintage Ford. Beautiful.

We went to the Beaconsfield Mine and Heritage Museum. It was great fun. Firstly though a chance to stop and smell the roses. Michelle thinks I'm nuts but I love smelling them.
Anyway, there were special hand pictures on several of the exhibits which meant you could touch. WooHoo lets go...super shell.
Doesn't this beauty bring back memories.
What number? Please hold while I connect you.
Back to school for Michelle.
MMM more cursive practice needed I see.


Rag rug making.

Get me out of here!

How about a bit of gold panning out at the old hut?

This is a model of the mine and all the underground shafts they had dug ( those white ribbon looking things). Extensive eh?
However, nature always reclaims doesn't it.
We'd wandered all over that museum then we finally realised that this was the actual Beaconsfield Mine where those two miners were trapped underground for 2 weeks in 2006,

and that we were looking at the very same lift door they used to finally exit the mine.
So moving.
There was a whole section of the mine dedicated to the incident and how the town pulled together.
We spent two and a half hours wandering around that museum, it was fantastic.
Well worth the visit.
Till next time.
Michelle and Ellen.




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