Thursday 13 February 2014

BusTed in Mole Creek

Hello all.
So now we're heading north again with a left turn at Deloraine.
We popped into '41 Degrees South' a salmon farm just out of Deloraine, because we were told how delicious the salmon was. Well it was fantastic, Michelle even tried some, still too fishy for her, but I picked up a piece for that night's dinner.
I loved this carving.

This was on the toilet door, Michelle couldn't resist.
Then we headed on to Mole Creek where there are two separate caves. We went to the Marakoopa Caves they were awesome. Apparently they were found by a couple of teenagers who kept it as their secret for two years before telling anyone. Imagine this as your own private playground.
It was 9 degrees in the cave and there was a natural underground stream running through.

Michelle thought this looked like a little old lady.

No this is not a where's BusTed, they discouraged us from taking Theodora on to the final carpark let alone into the caves. haha

The cave was full of glow worms and when our guide turned all the lights off they looked just like a sky full of stars. She said they are actually maggots not worms and that they will resort to cannibalism when food is scarce. However cannibalistic maggots just doesn't advertise as well as glow worms.

To get from the cave entrance back to our car park to we had a 500mtre walk through a rainforest, very pretty. What!!! more exercise!!!!

And finally the salmon, yum.

Bye for now
Michelle and Ellen.

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