Wednesday 5 February 2014

BusTed in Penguin

Hi Blogger Buddies,
we made it back to
Now I ask you ?? How do you miss a big penguin like this????
Well, we managed to somehow, we stopped on our way west and did our shopping, we did notice the garbage bin, but not the Big Penguin.

So, I say to Ellen lets go back to Penguin....well, we found heaps more of the little or big buggers.

They even have a loaf of bread with one on it.

We stayed right at the water, as usual, and had a few swims, nice.



In fact, the order went; the beach, us, a little road, a hedge, a train track ...and then houses. 

Truly a beautiful spot, we love it. However, there are NO PENGUINS in Penguin...shame.
All the loggers killed them way back. Also, here is some trivia, Sulphur Creek and Penguin had their names mixed up a long time ago....well, Penguin liked the name sooo much, they wouldn't give it back.
No wonder we saw a penguin at Sulphur Creek.

This has amazed us since our arrival, there are no fences along the railway line.

Till next time
Ellen and Michelle

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