Tuesday 25 February 2014

BusTed in Launceston

Hello Everyone.
Pretty exciting.... we are in Launceston, and it's all about getting a bit of culture.
Who'd have guessed while on our quest for the Art Gallery and culture ,we would stumble across a Tram Museum.
Not just any Tram Museum, this one happened to be shut that day, but no problems an eager little volunteer by the name of Dianne was more than willing to show us around.
This is the workshop where the restorations take place.
These are the trucks.

This Museum houses the very first tram used in Launceston, No 1, and the very last, No 29.
The latter is fully restored and functional, whilst the first one is under major restoration.
They are keeping true to its essence and everything is being restored to its former glory using Huon pine and such like.

The Museum itself  is next door and houses a beautiful display of the history of each of Launceston's trams and their whereabouts today.
This one was a chook shed, there was also a cubby house, several were utilised as homes and lots of other things.

Our tour guide was fascinating, but she was also very detailed ( and chatty) we were there for just a little over two hours. We learnt heaps and had a ball.

That afternoon we popped over to Cataract Gorge.

I thought it would be a great idea to take the chairlift over the gorge. Did I mention that Ellen had a little fear of heights?

It was great you could see for miles.
At the other side our feet skimmed over the tops of the trees, it was very ticklish.

Safe and sound on the other side we walked around and found some great spots.

 Its beautiful, no wonder the aristocrats would come here in the olden days to stroll around the formal gardens, it was quite the place to be seen.
There's one now.
There was quite a bit of wildlife too.

Complete with babies.

Well, wouldn't you know it we had purchased return tickets for the chairlift. So its up, up and away.

That pool looks inviting, maybe a little splash is in order.


Aaaaaahhhh! that's better.
Till next we blog
Love From
Ellen and Michelle

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