Wednesday 12 February 2014

BusTed in Queenstown

 Hi Everyone,
Ahh Queenstown.
Well... it's a mining town, so although it is surrounded by huge mountains,
and full of wonderful historic buildings.

Plus it contains both an element of the unusual.... (obviously hard to find grass here)

and the perfect..( restored steam engine.)
We found ourselves feeling a bit depressed to see such a large percentage of heavily mined earth (shall we say raped). We've been so spoilt by all the amazing and beautiful places we've seen.
Anyway the road out of Queenstown was a hairy trip, apparently there is 100 bends on this piece of road....

and most of them have a sheer drop on one side! Oh yeah, Michelle had it under control.

Fortunately the next section of the trip was through the Franklin - Gordon Wild Rivers National Park.
This was taken crossing the Collingwood River Bridge.
Ahhhhhh that's better.
Till next time
Michelle and Ellen.

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