Wednesday 5 March 2014

BusTed in "Symphony under the Stars"

Hi everyone,
Well after that busy day at Evandale with the Penny Farthings we were in for another treat.
The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
Thousands of people gathered at City Park for a free concert and we were right in the thick of it.
We rode the motorbike in for ease of parking and got a spot right next to the front gate, nice.
There was a roped off section for VIPs at the front so we popped ourselves at the edge of that and had awesome views.
Not hard to pick me out of this one.

The night air was filled with some very popular classics, and the guest solo violinist was magical, I am sure Ellen cried.....
We drank red wine and feasted on cheese and biscuits mmm mmm.

They played the Can Can last and a few people stood and danced.. it was a sight. After overwhelming applause and standing ovations, the conductor said, "I am sorry, we have no more," it was as if the whole crowd sighed together not wanting it to end.
Most of the crowd now on their feet.
"We can play the Can Can again" 
The Conductor turned to face his Orchestra, Baton in the air and the cheers could be heard in Hobart.The Can Can loomed out into the air and everyone young and old danced. I have never seen such a sight.
....and that was the
Symphony under the Stars
What a night.

till next time
Ellen and Michelle

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