Saturday 15 March 2014

BusTed in Ida Bay

Hi Everyone,
We left Tahune and headed south towards Ida Bay, pausing for a look at the West Creek Lookout built in the same style at the air walk just smaller.  

The hand rails were being affected by this mould or something and the result as you can see was quite beautiful.

We got the best shot of Theodora on this bend....I love it. 

So to Ida Bay and the infamous Railway.

This train seriously was the cutest thing ever....

The line was built in 1922 to carry limestone from the quarries southeast of Lune River to a wharf at Brick Point on Ida Bay. It travelled through bushland and skirted the edges of the bays.

Meg Thornton fell in love with it and bought the railway in Jan 2005 and has been doing extensive maintenance on it which is why it runs today. She has an uphill battle with political red tape so I hope she can  keep it up, she certainly is doing a magnificent job.

At the far end of the track was Elliot Beach where we stopped for 20 mins to have a look. The water was cold but so clean and beautiful.

It reminded us a lot of home.

Originally the tracks were made of wood and these large curved wheels were used, but wood wasn't tough enough to support the limestone so they were changed.

Catch you next time
Michelle and Ellen

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