Friday 14 March 2014

BusTed in Tahune "Walking on Air".

Hi, its us again.
This time we visited the Tahune Forest Air walk....just for fun.

Oh yeah, its high up in the trees.

Here is brave little Ellen on her way out over the cantilever.

I was also very brave.

This made for spectacular views.


The water is stained, like tea from a type of button grass.

Still spectacular.

There are also two swinging bridges, one crossing the Huon River.

The other the Picton River.

Walking back from the river walk we could view the air walk from below....what an amazing structure.

We have seen a few of these in our travels.

We took a little detour to see a stand of Huon Pines.

It was a very long day.

Not long enough, we had a bite to eat for tea, a lovely thai green curry, if memory serves me. Some tourists from the Netherlands had told us of their adventure the night before. So then following their advise, it was off back up to the Airwalk for a beautiful sunset...we hoped.

It was sure to be a lovely show.

Time was ticking away and poor little Ellen was a little disappointed.

Then, voila, the sun sank and a beautiful pink hue was seen. worth the walk.

Till next time
Ellen and Michelle

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