Thursday 13 March 2014

BusTed in Geeveston

Hi again,
Geeveston didn't know what hit it when we arrived at the tourist info center.  Ellen and I jumped up into the replica of a logging truck took it for a pretend burl around the shop.

 Then Ellen thought she was a sculpture.

In fact that seemed like a good idea ...I became a sculpture too.

This is the most gorgeous town it's situated in the Huon Valley, which is one of the most spectacular valleys and is the only place you can find the now very rare Huon Pine.

We stayed behind the RSL in a lovely and quiet, grassed area bound by a small creek.

There were apparently platypus further up the creek but surprisingly, going on our track record, we didn't see any.

Till we blog again,
bye bye
for now
Ellen and Michelle

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