Thursday 27 March 2014

BusTed in Saltwater River Coal Mines

Hi Everybloggy,
It was nice to be moving again, that five days on the side of the road made us appreciate it even more.
After all the fun of the Tassie Devils we headed up around Norfolk Bay to the Historic Coal Mines Site.
On the way we found some really cool old buildings.

This Coal Mines Site is amazing, it was built back in the 1830 's and served as a punishment station for men who committed serious offences in the colony. Here's a felon trying to escape.

The views......amazing.

It has a certain eeriness to it.

There were solitary cells beneath the old hospital....naughty Ellen.

Hauntingly beautiful.

And a lot of solitary punishment cells under the 108 separate apartments.
Tiny and dark.

There was an arched corridor between them, it was spooky.

Ellen walked down the hill to the waters edge and took this, a stark contrast to up on the hill.

We drove off through rolling hills and more lovely water views leaving the Coal Mines far behind.

Till next time
Ellen and Michelle

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