Wednesday 26 March 2014

BusTed in Taranna with Tassie Devils

Hi Everyone,
We had been saving ourselves this little treat because it looked like the best place to see real Tasmanian Devils.

They are building an unzoo, where the humans are fenced in and the animals are free in their environment. They have a clear dome in the ground that you can access via a short tunnel.
Here is a selfie in the dome.

The little devils just walk right on by us. They weren't even scared.

Pretty cool.

At feeding time, these little guys actually share their food by grabbing a side each and pulling, they are pretty vocal about it.

Then we found more devils, these ones hadn't been fed yet and were a whole lot more placid.

Not to mention cute.

We were right down on the Tasman Peninsula. There is a horrible disease that the devils get which kills them, this is a safe haven for them and a disease free zone.

They really are little characters.

Yawning, stretching, just lazing about.

They walk like they have a carrot stuck up their arse.....or constipated, I don't quite know why.

Anyway, its not just all devils....It was all a bit much for some.

Here we have "The King of the Wind" show...sounds spectacular.

Oh yeah, Tawny Frogmouths, were the only feature.

How cool are they.

We walked around the park and went to the parrots to say hello.
Much to our delight one of them said hello back, Ellen fell in love with this little parrot and was playing peekaboo with it in its log, how cute.

We asked an old bloke to take this for us, pity he chopped me ears off.

We had a top morning here, loved getting up close to these little guys.

Till next time
love from
Ellen and Michelle 

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