Thursday 27 March 2014

BusTed in Eaglehawk Neck

Hello again,
Eaglehawk Neck is a thin piece of land that joins the Forestier and Tasman Peninsular's.
 Just down from Eaglehawk is a little place called Doo Town, a lot of the residents have the word doo in their house names e.g thisldoo, doolittle, doous, muchadoo, gunnadoo and so forth. Cute. 
Anyway, we were told about this fish and chip van at the Tasman Blowhole in Doo Town. I thought it was lovely but unfortunately for Michelle they used real fish not hake.....Ahhhhh. 
She did think the chips were good.
The blow hole wasn't very active while we were there, low tide, but it was still beautiful and you could imagine how spectacular it could be.

Further down the coast was Tasman Arch, it was so high, made my legs go like jelly.

Then further along again was the Devils Kitchen, boy that was a long way down.

We went for a walk and spotted this tiny orange breasted bird, beautiful eh.

We stopped again at Dunally on the way back 

then via Sorell and on to Triabunna 
where we met up with some friends we'd made at Sheffield, 
Rob and Kim and their basset hound, Wally.

Who could move very fast....

Fortunately after the Doo Town fiasco we found another van here that sold hake
 and Michelle got her fish and chip fix, phew.

Don't you love a happy ending.
Catch you next time.
Michelle and Ellen.

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