Tuesday 11 March 2014

BusTed at MONA in Hobart

Q. What is MONA???
some of you may ask. 
A.  Museum of Old and New Art

It is the most mind blowing place...we loved it, a lot.

From the surface there is a taste of things to come.

With exquisite detail and the promise of fun. The idea of this trampoline is to make the bells ring.

We eagerly went inside to the bowels of the earth....and ART.

It's all underground, dimly lit and a real voyage of discovery.
There are no tags on the walls here, everyone is given an ipod and headphones on arrival with all the information on the artist and their work, taped interviews etc, there at your finger tips. You just press the pink 0.
Your tour is then saved on their website for you to access later if you wish...how cool.

We witnessed strange constructions, with a great sense of adventure.

I felt welcomed, Ellen thought it was just an M..... I definitely saw an MP.

This little treasure was on the second level.....It had a series of wind catching elements outside.

There was an arm coming through the wall and into the gallery.
this all led to a series of pulleys.

and ultimately to an ink pen entwined in flexible wire.......the result. A pretty cool drawing, done by the wind.

This place is like a maze or a rabbit warren, we found a lovely pink fluffy room to play in, needless to say we felt quite at home.

After a couple of hours down in the depths, we enjoyed some fresh air and a cuppa.

The second level proved to be just as enthralling as the lower one.

Now these little things are amazing, they're Caddisfly Larvae Cocoons.
Basically this artist, gave these little guys precious metals and jewels to make their cocoons from, they usually use slivers of stone, but they don't care as long as they build a cocoon, and the result is extremely tiny exquisitely made objects. Who thinks of this stuff?

This metal Buddha
 is filled with sand then dismantled and reassembled opposite its sand made double. 

Over time of course the sand disintegrates while the metal stays unchanged.

Makes you consider the fragility of life and the beauty in change, eh.

Once more I saw my initials, this time amongst a flow of words projected into water drops falling from a great height. Ellen agreed that this was definitely MP.

This was by far my favorite, a guy called Yves Netzhammer produced this marvel.

'thought imagery' was in his "artist wank" on the ipod. I found it all intriguing. The rope fence behind me is half painted on the wall then rope is attached to it and strung around actual poles.

Back up on the surface, our heads still a little spinning...I thought I might see if I could make the bells ring on the trampoline....the little ones did a lot.

Ellen certainly got my bells ringing doing this little jump.

Yeh, we are out of here, how exhausting...5hrs at MONA...
till next time
Ellen and Michelle

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