Sunday 19 May 2013

BusTed in Melbourne Week 1

William Ricketts Sanctuary

Years ago my Mum (Val) went on a bus trip to Victoria and when she returned clutched in her hand were two books on William Ricketts Sanctuary. As she gave them to me her eyes twinkled as she told me stories of how wonderful these sculptures are, set amongst a backdrop of rainforest deep in the Dandenong Mountains.
It has always been a wish of mine to see this place and I wasn't dissappointed, as we drove Shazzs' little blue Cruze, through steep winding roads I was secretly glad that I wasn't behind the wheel of that huge snail shell that we call home with no power was liberating...also my dodgy elbow is getting a rest and we are getting to see the world at a faster pace.
Anyway, we were the first to arrive and the Ranger opened the parking lot gate just before we drove in, the weather looked ominous,but that added to the whole ambiance of the place. As we entered the gates it was refreshing to find out that entry was FREE, thats right ...rare these days...we wandered around for the next hour and twenty minutes ......just the two of us, in this wonderful sanctuary.

This aboriginal elder stands as a sentinal, welcoming and imposing.

The scuptures grow from the earth.... and are of the earth.

What a way to spend the morning.
till next time.
Ellen and Michelle

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