Wednesday 22 May 2013

BusTed in Melbourne 2

Hello again,
Theodora has now been placed in the tender care of Latrobe Valley Truck Works to do the final TLC to get her road worthiness certificate so we can finally transfer her rego.... Yeah. What a long journey this has been. So while she has her holiday in Latrobe we are reliant on foot power, public transport, Bruce's chauffeuring and Shazz's car.
On the way back to Shazz's we saw these potatoes, we had to photograph them especially for Kelly, who is the potato peeler extraordinaire and Jade who is well known for making mountains of mash potato for an afternoon 'snack'.
On the weekend Shazz and Andy took us to Apollo Bay, on the Great Ocean Road for a beach picnic. It was so beautiful, the road winded along the coast and the views were spectacular. We had a pit stop for morning tea at Anglesea, where we fed the birds and a shark.

Then along the Great Ocean Road..

 past interesting sculptures, (we got smiles from passers by with this one)...
spectacular views

and finally Apollo Bay.

Absolutely beautiful. The temperature of the water was well below swimming level though we dipped our feet in, how could we possibly resist. So nice to be on a beach again, I had missed the water. One last shot before I go... here's Michelle doing her Chariots of Fire impersonation.

Until next time, have a lovely life.
Michelle and Ellen.


  1. I love reading about your journey. Looks like you are having a great time. Wish I was there. Lots of love Janette

    1. yeah!!!we got your message.....wish you were here too xxxx
