Thursday 2 May 2013

BusTed in Cann's River Vic

Sunrise in Bermagui, how magnificent. Rugged up and drinking coffee watching it gradually rise, reflecting in the ocean. wow. It's great to be alive. I went for a little wander and just down the cliff from our camp spot was the local ocean baths and people were in swimming laps! OMG it would have to be freezing. Good way to get the circulation going, they know how to enjoy life.
 We headed on south and stopped for a rest at Tathra where Michelle took another where's BusTed photo. I think Theodora's easier to find in this one but you decide.

It was a lovely spot so noisy with bell birds and we saw a live octopus in the shallow water. Neither of us have seen one in the wild before -  it was so graceful. It swam away before we got a  photo unfortunately, yeah I know, it sounds more like a fish story than an octopus story.
We continued on to Merimbula to visit Michelle's friends Carol and Boris. Being timeless we hadn't realised it was Anzac Day and as we approached the main road of Merimbula a man stepped out in front of us with a road closed sign. We wondered what the problem was and were told it was the Anzac march. How lucky was that, front row; it was a little emotional. The best thing though was there was a bagpipe player, I love bagpipes.
These gorgeous pelican sculptures are on the foreshores of Merimbula.

Finally we left NSW and entered Victoria. We stayed over at Canns River right near the river. I went for a walk in the water the next morning my goodness it was chilly, but fantastic. Might have caught some Bermagui bathers maddness.


Talk again soon
Michelle and Ellen.

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