Thursday 23 May 2013

BusTed in Melbourne 3

Hello lovely people,
So, since we have all this extra time in Melbourne we may as well enjoy and immerse ourselves in it. First things first, visit the relly's. Yes, my lovely Melbourne cousins who we see very seldomly, yet being amongst them feels like home. I dragged Michelle into the wonderful craziness of my extended family for the evening and she now understands my fondness. Unfortunately, I missed photographing my cousin Paul who left before we remembered to get a group shot. It was such a lovely evening.

So it's back to Bruce's place in Malvern (Michelle's Brother) where we can jump on a tram back to the art gallery because... yipidy do dar... the  Monet exhibition is on!  Talk about great timing.

Even though we've both seen exhibitions of his work before, it was still magnificent. At the end of the exhibition they played a movie of photographs with music, showing his garden at Giverney and home. It was easy to understand his desire to capture such a perfect environment. I left feeling inspired to pull the paints out and capture Australia on the way around.

 In the main foyer of the gallery is a beautiful instillation. It consists of a shallow round pool of water which gently circulates and floating on top are about 30 porcelain bowls of various sizes which bump into each other and make sounds similar to chimes. So relaxing. 

Michelle was concerned by the unusual butt shape this female sculpture had, I guess we're all different shapes and sizes.

So back on the trams for more exploring, this time in true tourist fashion we boarded the free city tram. Old, noisy and gorgeous.
It took us on a loop of the city and we could get on and off where ever we liked. We've decided the free tourist link is a must do in every city we visit.

Afterwards we had lunch in Fed Square and the sparrows ate bread from our fingertips. I thought sparrows were too timid to do that but obviously they have been watching the seagulls and getting ideas. Very Darwinian of them.

Till next time
Michelle and Ellen.

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