Sunday 19 May 2013

BusTed in Melbourne still Week 1

Ellen and I head in to stay at my brother Bruces' place; he lives near the city at Malvern...this can only mean one thing trams, Trams and more TRAMS. Ellen loves Trams, her little face lights up and she has an excited little body shake happening,so cute., Our first big adventure is to go to the National Victorian Gallery..nice we are met by a wall of water at the entrance which makes for a beautiful photo opportunity.

When we ventured inside, it was just as we had anticipated.... a visual splendour and an excellent opportunity to immerse ourselves in a bit of Culture.............................

Here I stand in front of a most controversial painting.....did Rembrandt paint it or one of his apprentices????
Who cares its awesome.. I am going right out on a limb here and in my eyes saying the best in the whole gallery....I love it!!!!

......and for a bit of fun.

We then head up to Fed Square (we sound so local) for a look around and really soak up the atmosphere ...

all good.

Now... did someone say PARTY.?????

Thats right SHAZZ is 50

People arrive from near and far ,
by boat, by celebrate this great day..,
see if you can guess
what are they in this dress,
 all starting with "S" ???

What a night.................till next time  lots of love from Ellen and Michelle

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