Saturday 25 May 2013

BusTed in Melbourne 4

Hello again,

Yes, still here in lovely Melbourne, not complaining, love to get Theodora back though. Starting to really miss her.

Michelle, Shazz, Bruce and Andy decided on having a golf game at Malvern Valley. They had a great time, not being a golf fan I got some good reading done. Bruce flogged them all and given that it was Michelle's 5th game of golf did well to come in second last. Aparently she has a bit of a Happy Gilmore slog.
We heard of a street sculpture exhibition at Toorak Village. Yippee more trams. The sculptures were great, make sure you read what's written on the bottom of the sardine tin, very funny. The exhibits came from people all over Australia as well as a couple of international entrants. We were particularly impressed by the Everest sculpture which is made of chicken wire, who has that level of patience? WOW. There was a large number of bronze sculptures which pleased Michelle no end, she loves bronze.

 Bruce took us to Abbottsford which is an old Catholic Convent which was run as a self sufficent  orphanage over 100 years ago. They ran a laundry which serviced many of the local motels as well as extensive food gardens which supplied the  kitchen's needs. Now it functions as rentable rooms for various practitioners including massage, reiki, and courses for drama and computers, as well as studio's for artists.
There are beautiful gardens crisscrossed with paths and a few coffee shops in which we partook of some macaroons, can't say I'm a real fan of them, very sweet.
Till next time.
Michelle and Ellen.

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