Saturday 18 January 2014

BusTed is BoaTed

Woohoo !!
A dream come true.

This is so exciting the Spirit Of Tassie is in the background. Melbourne has put on a lovely 40 deg heatwave for us, nice to be getting on the boat. 

The queue is long and hot, but there is a certain buzzzzz of excitement in the air.

Was that a buzzzz or Ellen?

Here is Theodora all snuggled up in her bed ready to cross the Strait.

Here is our snuggle up spot...its a lovely cabin.

The views from on deck are superb.

Leaving the Mainland amidst crazy arse jet skiers.

Now, you couldn't have wished for more perfect weather, the trip across was so calm and pleasant. We arrived in Devonport feeling totally ready for anything.

Bring it on Tassie.
Till next time
love from
Ellen and Michelle

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