Thursday 23 January 2014

BusTed in Stanley

Hi Again
We are still heading west, this time to a place called Stanley which boasts a large landform known as the 'Nut'. You can see it here in the distance, it's 152m high

There is a really nice walking track to the top of the hill. We watched other more energetic people do this as we rode the chair lift up.

Once there, it was a 2km walk around the top. See we're not totally slack.

With spectacular views.
Here are two nutless, nuts on the nut.


We parked overnight at the wharf  right at the base of the 'Nut'. So many fisher people threw a line in off the wharf and several were successful. The wind was howling and quite cold, but we got some great shots.


Ellen took this one .......AWESOME.

and I took this.

 Next day we headed off to see the Historic Highfield House... on the way, we took a left turn to see what was there and photos and flying kites was the order of the morning.

Now that you jumping again???

Then on to Highfield House, a step back in time.
We really got a sense of life during those early years, the seclusion and loneliness, as well as the grandeur of it all.

Ellen was very impressed with the cellar now she wants one.

The nursery was huge.

The outbuildings intriguing.

This Ruin is from Convict Barracks. There were 40 odd convicts in the area an half were kept in these barracks.

Here is a tricky one...
Where is that bloody Bus??

Till next time
lots of love
Ellen and Michelle

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