Thursday 5 September 2013

BusTed in Tin Can Bay

Hi everyone,
this was one of the best ideas we had.
We drove to Tin Can Bay to hand feed the dolphins what a treat.
There were two of the pod there that morning Patch and Scar, we arrived at 7am and they were all ready there, although the feeding wasn't until 8.30.

We stood down in the water with the volunteer's and watched as the Pacific white dolphins frolicked in front of us, the leader of the pack being the male and a bit bossy.  

We also took the opportunity to use our Go Pro to capture great underwater shots of us feeding them.
Sadly the water was cloudy and none of the footage turned out, bugger. 

We enjoyed a delicious breakfast at the Captains Café  before heading off to Rainbow Beach.
Till then
Ellen and Michelle

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