Monday 2 September 2013

BusTed in Heron Island

 Ahoy me hearties
All Aboard!
That's right we have been talking about it, so.. off we go to
On our two hour Catamaran ride we spotted a whale and her calf, it  was truly breathtaking. Our camera didn't really show anything other than black blobs, timing is everything with whales so we haven't included any of those crappy shots.

And here is Heron. As you can see the water is the most magnificent blue, similar to Tuncurry, but we don't have shipwrecks back home. This one was apparently transported here to act as a breakwall.

The ride was so much fun.


Included in our deal was a massage at the day was sooooooooo relaxing, and we got to keep our little white scuffs. Not the robes, thank goodness for that, on closer inspection you may notice I have a towel over me. That's because they didn't have any to fit larger ladies, and that's pretty much my size.
The Island has a lovely feeling to it, no room keys so there is a common trust, anything real flash you can lock up in a safe deposit box, but we found this unnecessary.
We swapped our thongs for a pair of reef walking shoes and set about exploring the reef. Heron Island is a Coral Cove and has an abundance of marine life.  It was so cool walking on the reef.  
Later the next day, at high tide, with our new Go Pro camera in hand, we swam out onto the reef...
We will be making a little movie using our underwater footage.

"Mermaid Ellen"

and "Mermaid Michelle"
Now, here is Ellen absolutely flogging me in draughts...that's right draughts, we are playing it with chess pieces.

This was a school of fish under the Jetty at Shark Bay.
and this big boy is "Gus" a forty year old Groper, also under the Jetty.

We had the best weather, it was sad to leave, we ate magnificent food, made some lovely friends and just had the most relaxing time. 

Oh! did I mention the sharks, heaps of them. We were swimming amongst them, they are either Lemon or Black Fins and are quite safe, in fact they tend to swim away from you. This one is swimming through a school of fish, they part to let it through, I would too.

and Where is BusTed???
Not with us, that's for sure, we left her in the car park...but where???

Till next time
love you all
Ellen and Michelle

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