Sunday 16 June 2013

BusTed in Echuca

PS from the last blog, I momentarily lost photos. This was diplayed in the S.A.M in Shepparton. They're made from silicon and human hair, amazing eh.

Echuca, what a lovely place.

This is not a where's BusTed, this is a view I just had to share, totally magnificent. We came across it when we went for a morning walk whilst camping at Christie's Beach Camp Ground. I think they are calling this a beach, lots of imagination needed for our coastal dwelling readers. Where we camped was quite occupied by happy campers all along the river bank and yet it was so extensive we didn't feel crammed in.

We enjoyed a day of drawing and walking and decided to stay a second night, but over the other side so we could get the morning sun. Well... it rained all night and the sun was able to lighten the day but not even a single ray broke through, which of course made it rather cold.
Anyway, we refused to allow the damp to well.. dampen our spirits because we had booked ourselves on a Paddle Boat luncheon cruise and planned to spend the morning wandering around Echuca. So at 9 am we drove to the end of the dirt road about to head out on to the sealed road when Theodora just stopped, damn.
In the drissling rain we fiddled with drying terminals and checking fuel supplies, rang the paddle boat place and transfered our cruise to the next day, we rang the camping and caravaning place and they sent an RACV bloke (victorian NRMA equivalent) who was extremely busy and got there well after lunch, only to tell us around 3pm that he couldn't fix it. So we had to organise a tow to get her into Echuca but nothing local was big enough and being so late in the day, the one from Shepparton couldn't get us until the morning. mmmm so looks like we're camping here.
 Oh well, we're self contained, shouldn't be too much of a problem, right?
Umm, next thing was; the gas bottle ran out, the spare was in the boot and the bus in a position where we couldn't get the bike off and out of the way to get to it. No cooked breaky and no more coffee. Anyway the water we refilled the tank with last time tasted extremely bad, even the coffee tasted shocking. But it was rather cold, at least it would have warmed us.
Surely nothing more I thought, mmmm
So off to bed, lets finish this day. What an interesting night, I think we were on hoon road, listening to a fairly constant stream of burnouts on the corners, lovely soft gravel. Both our emergency hazard triangles were a little worst for wear by the morning, but other than that all good. The next morning the lady who lived across the road popped over and offered us coffe and the use of her shower, sweet eh? we took her up on the coffee offer, aahhh. The tow truck arrived 8am in the morning took Theodora to the Repco Repairs place, we jumped on the bike and headed into Echuca to go on our long awaited Paddle Boat cruise, Yeah
That hopefully will be our most eventful 24 hours.
Till next time, happy days
Michelle and Ellen

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