Saturday 15 June 2013

Busted in Alexandra

Hello again,

Stayed O'night at Brooke's cutting, a free camp near Alexandra, Victoria. Very beautiful, we got some clothes drying done the first day, Michelle turned the campsite into a chinese laundry. Then wandered around photographing the area.

Michelle also took another where's BusTed though I said she was being a bit naughty with this one but she insisted I include it, so don't blame me if you cant find her.

Anyway we found out that there was an annual Truck, Ute and Rod show in Alexandra's main street on Sunday so we decided we'd hang around for the weekend. Now two unfortunate things happened. First, it turned bitterly cold on Saturday, we nearly froze to death, and wondered why we were still so far south. However we got some beautiful photos,

Including some of the river down the cliff behind.

Secondly, we forgot to take the camera to the Truck ,Ute and Rod Show.' Not too much of a problem' I hear you say,' use the phone'. Ahh... yes we did then the phone carked it and we have only memories. So you'll have to use your imagination.
It was your typical country town Show. We watched logs being chopped, ate sausage and onion sandwiches, sat in a vintage fire engine, watched and listened to Adam Harvey singing country songs, visited and voted at the impressive quilt display, wandered through stalls and saw hundreds and hundreds of beautifully restored trucks, utes and hot rods.
Well worth hanging around and freezing our butts off( 6 degrees all day), but now we are very intent on getting further north.
Till next time, have a wonderful life'
Michelle and Ellen.


  1. Must be a beautiful place with the name Brooke. I found Ted hiding behind the tree on the left. Very cheeky!, keep heading north for the warm weather ��look forward to reading your next post. Love you lots xx

  2. love you lots too
    it was a bit of a cheeky spot, hehehe.
