Thursday 7 November 2013

BusTed in Merimbula

Hi Again,
We popped down to Merimbula for the weekend it was great.
Jens Mum Shirley has just had surgery so we went to visit.
It was awesome to see Dardi, Jens daughter who I haven't seen since she was about 4.
We were sitting in the lounge room when I noticed this huge huntsmen spider running up the road.
On closer inspection it was really a crab.
After a lot of skillful moves by Carol, she picked it up unscathed.

Now to free it....or relocate it off the tar.
Free at last.

We went down to the jetty to try and spot some whales.
Well, that didn't happen but the coffee and cake was to die for. 

Back at Carols house and Ellen and Jen hook into a jigsaw puzzle, which they blitzed in two days.

Adding water to Ellen.

We headed to Eden for a drive and yep, we spotted some whales.
till next time
Ellen and Michelle

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