Monday 26 August 2013

BusTed in Childers

Hi Ho its Childers you know...
When we drove into this town we were impressed by its charm. Its very RV (recreational vehicle) friendly and full of really cool sculptures and things, it has a central parking island as well as side lanes and kerb side parking. Overall it just has this uncluttered, easy sort of feeling.
As we all know Ellen loves dogs, so when she found this little fellow she just had to pat it.

Oh, did I mention it's is the rest of these little beauties. Seriously , that life size elephant is only $13,000, a bargain.

This bad boy, wasn't that much dearer, when I win lotto its on the list, I think I would look great in the back garden.

Walking back up in the main drag, we discovered quirky little sculptures, like this one, overtaking the footpaths.

This Chemist was in the main street and is now a Museum. It's shelves are stuffed with thing's from yesteryear and it was fascinating. The star of the shop was the old cash register which is centrally placed this picture, back in its day it cost almost as much as a house to buy printed out dockets and everything. 

These two dogs we found playing out the front of the pub.

 We saw a sign for an Art Gallery and gravitated towards it, as usual. 
Now, if the name Childers sounded familiar to you, it did to us too. It wasn't till we were standing in the gallery and looking at a memorial wall and a large painting that the story unfolded and our memories were twigged.
We were actually in the rebuilt backpackers, that claimed the lives of 15 people in a fire back in 2000.
 It was very moving.
Interestingly, this was the first picture Ellen took when we arrived.
On a lighter note
Where is that bloody Bus???

Till next we chat
Ellen and Michelle


  1. Go Ellen you are so brave patting that dog, lucky he's not real!! Amazing sculptures... couldn't really see one in my backyard though. Photos are amazing as usual. Lovely reading about your adventures. Till next time xxx

  2. Thanks Nett,
    We get a buzz doing the blog, its just like sending everyone a post card. Ellen thinks she was very brave too, the fact he isn't real is only a minor consideration.
    love you
