Thursday 18 April 2013

BusTed in Mittagong NSW

Hello again,

Well it was wonderful spending days with Jade in Blacksmiths and the roast at Yvette and Ian's was yummy. It's wonderful to see both my girls so content and happy.
We headed off early to Sydney, it's so fascinating seeing the world from bus height. All those fences suddenly have scenes behind, people's backyards showing a variety of lifestyles. There was one old house with security screens covered in spider webs, and a bare front veranda except for two, obviously favourite, old lounge chairs. I could almost imagine the old couple sitting there of an afternoon watching the world pass.

Driving through Sydney was a hair raising experience. Michelle was quite calm as usual but I was stressing as we passed closely by trees and telegraph poles, then,when our mirror missed another trucks mirror by a whisker, I almost lost my bundle. Ahh. Anyway, we got to Janette's safely and everyone was suitably impressed. Michelle took Janette and Erin for a run in the bus which aparently involved a 16 point turn, they've changed the road since Michelle was there last.
We had a stormy trip south to Mittagong, Michelle's really had an extreme lesson in bus driving. But staying down near Lake Alexandra was beautiful. We woke up on Michelle's birthday to these beautiful scenes. We had a delicious birthday roast and a lamington cake at Mum and Dad's Michelle felt  very spoilt..... that was the plan.

Michelle suggested we add a 'Where's BusTed?', so here is the first one just for fun.

Hope you're enjoying travelling with us. We are totally enjoying ourselves but do think of all our friends and family. We wish for each of you the same joy that we are experiencing.

Till next time, Michelle and Ellen.


  1. So fabulous girls. .will enjoy travelling with you. .great blog xxx love lots and i am happy in new home too xxx

  2. Love it keep the news coming,only just checked my messages today that's why its taken me so long to comment.Looking forward to more photos and stories.Just started playing the violin again,so "Hector" is creating mayhem once again.All the best Steve xxx
