Monday 20 October 2014

BusTed in Bonnie Wingham

Hi Everyone,
What a fantastic weekend this was at the 
Bonnie Wingham Scottish Festival.
We camped at Wingham Brush amongst gigantic fig trees
and ..


hundreds and thousands of flying foxes.

There were pipe bands from all over the district.

.....and there was the caber toss.
I had always wanted to do this so Woohoo. 
I came equal first...then we had a TOSS OFF....
I unfortunately lost by one minute...bugger. 

Then it was the Lassies Tug-O-War..

Oh yeah.....nailed it..must have been that bloody big anchor.

So, you may think, where's Ellen ??? oh she was there all right, getting all these fantastic shots of me...
Till next time
from Ellen and Michelle

Saturday 4 October 2014

BusTed in Sydney

Hi again,
How nice it was to catch up with Ellen's family, a huge gathering as always, this time at Terry and Sharon's place in Penrith for mothers day.

Paul, Ellen's son, is growing himself a lovely beard,this is the most beautiful picture of them both.

Even more good looking characters, in her dad and sisters.

'Hakuna Matata,'
What a spectacular show...we went and saw the Lion King with my sisters family also in Sydney

Then its a fantastic stop at Yvette and Als' in Balmain...spectacular views from their balcony.

We caught the ferry over to Cockatoo Island on Sydney Harbour to check out the Biennale...
its was so cool.

Then, a magnificent mothers day lunch compliments from Yvette and Al at Circular Quay...Yummo... however that bottle of wine that came with it certainly got us well and truly smashed.(how delightful)

The next day it was off to Maroubra beach for some fun in the sun.
Before heading up the coast and home.

Talk about fun in the sun...these two lovelies spent most of Trisha's birthday floating in the current in the crystal clear water at Seal Rocks, what a delightful day that was.

Then we were blessed to stay at Dales farm at Nabiac, where this inquisitive little donkey would visit us regularly....and it's wasn't even Christmas.(how cute)

How cool is that....our own little parking spot in the wilderness of Dales....nice..

Till next we meet
Ellen and Michelle

Monday 15 September 2014

Its about bloody time we did a blog BLOG....

Hello Everybloggy,
We have been so busy since April and our last blog,so we will take a few to catch up.
We hung out in Victoria with my family for a little while.

My beautiful brother Bruce, Kell-Bell and little Archie.

How handsome is this young man..
and the gorgeous Indi...

Here is my sister Shazz on her trusty steed 'Indigo', this is a great shot of her right before she fell off. OOPSIE....lucky she is okay now.

From here we called into my friend Erika's place in nice to catch up

She lives right on the Murray River on the property where the first Murray Grey cow was born and we took the most spectacular pictures of the flooded plains.

Ellen finished the first in a series of amazing water colours.

Then a quick pop into Mittagong for a catch up with Ellen's' Mum and Dad.

Where my little, big sister and Erin came to us for a visit.

Then home to Great Lakes and more family.... Ellen and Amarni fixing her little bear.

How tall is Miss Indiana getting !!!

Jamie made me a magnificent birthday cake.

Lynne and Shayne came to join us..

We got to watch Seth train for footy.

Ellen and Amarni playing again.

Then Jades birthday celebration in Forster

We parked at Mikes place and had fun on the farm, all before I had to start work, nice.

Till next time
Ellen and Michelle

Thursday 3 April 2014

BusTed in Lilydale Falls then HOME

Hi Everybloggy,
Well, these falls in Lilydale were an unexpected delight.

Really easy to walk to, and two lovely little drops.

There was ample stairs to climb up and down.

Plus the chance to get up close and personal with the water and take yet more amazing photos.

Another bonus was we got to stay overnight in the carpark.

 We left there and spent the next few days in Latrobe, where we went to a market at the 
'Axemans' Hall of Fame'.
We met a delightful lady by the name of Christine, she had really nice watercolours for sale and also ran classes. Needless to say we were in, so Tuesday she picked us up from our bus in Forth and drove us to her studio for an afternoon of painting.....nice.

It was a really pleasant afternoon in Kindred.
We spent the next day catching up with new found friends and packing the bus up to leave.

As you can see by our map highlights, we covered heaps, but not all, we had to leave some things to see when we come back.
We can honestly say we had the best time in 
Loved it.

 So now, its back on the Mainland and this is our last blog for a while.

We will spend time with our family and friends..(that means you). Oh and that four letter word WORK, yes I am going back to work for 8 weeks.
Also we will be making new photobooks and writing novels.
So if you are up Tuncurry way term 2 give us a bell, and pop on in to visit us.
It has been so much fun sharing our adventure with you, on the 12th of April it will be our one year anniversary of living on the road...Its gone so quick.
So, sometime in July we will be off again, Darwin ??? South Australia ??? Queensland??? Who knows which way the wind will blow us next.
Love To You All
Till next time
Ellen and Michelle

BusTed in Legerwood

Hi all,
While we were travelling around Tasmania several of our fellow travellers would ask in worried tones if we had driven on the Queenstown 99 bends and the Tasman Highway from St Helens to Scottsdale. Well, as you know we'd managed the 99 bends so now it was the Tasman Highway.
It was beautiful, the weather was bleak and rainy with a lot of cloud cover so we couldn't see any views but with all the foliage damp and hugging the road it was like our own world.

The road was very bendy, but Theodora takes hills slow so it wasn't scary at all.

This fish painting was just before Derby where we stopped overnight. Cleverly done eh?

The camp site was next to the river on the main street of Derby. It is a quaint little town with a tin mining history. We visited the old school which has been converted to a Museum, really interesting.

Heading on the next day we stopped at Ledgerwood where the stumps of the old trees have been carved into sculptures as a war memorial.

The old railway station had been converted into a BBQ picnic area. Unfortunately the bus was running a bit late.

Phew.. thought I'd missed it.

The Bridstowe Lavender Farm at Nabowla had finished flowering but the rows of plants were still impressive. 

One more Blog then we're home.
Bye for now
Michelle and Ellen.